On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 07:57:08 -0400
Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In response to "Ian Lord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > I have to install a linux machine and don't know which distribution to 
> > take.  
> I highly recommend CentOS for the following reasons:
> 1) It's free.
> 2) It's kept up to date.
> 3) It's 100% Red Hat compatible, which means:
>  a) 99% of the howtos on the internet will work
>  b) 99% of the Linux packages you find will work
>  c) You can lie to vendors and tell them you're running Red Hat to get
>     support.


> As for the packages thing: 300 seems to be about the minimum # of
> packages to make a working Linux install.  Keep in mind that
> _everything_ is a package in Linux, even the kernel, so just installing
> typical stuff like ls and ps and top adds packages to the system.


> The CentOS installer does have an option for an X-less install.

> The Red Hat mentality doesn't go much for rolling your own packages,
> so you might not like CentOS for that reason, but it's a compromise.

actually, i've been rolling my own rpms from srpms and it IS quite simple.

> They have a # of upgrade managers similar to portupgrade, such as
> up2date and yum.

yum is 100 times better than up2date (except that u can't run 2 instances of
yum @ the same time...but it's just a minor annoyance)
{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

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