On Tuesday 22 July 2008 08:38:58 Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> "Andrew Falanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'd like to know if anyone here on the list has ever used libusb
> > (http://libusb.sourceforge.net) for accessing usb devices.  I
> > successfully compiled and installed it on my FreeBSD 7 laptop but when
> > I run a test program no USB HUBs are found.  The same test on a Fedora
> > box works fine.  I was wondering what the magic is for FreeBSD since
> > the web site claims the package works on FreeBSD.
> libusb is in ports, and a number of other ports use it.
> (See "make search key=libusb".)
> That should provide a variety of working examples.

Ok, I've installed from the ports collection this time (at home now on my 
6.2p11 box) and I'm seeing busses in my computer.  However, when I plug in my 
USB thumb drive, a Sandisk Cruizer Micro that the kernel does see as da0 
(verified in /var/log/messages), I don't get any devices shown.  Below is the 
code to the program I'm using.  It's a hack of the basic example on the 
libusb.sourceforge.net website docs.

#include <iostream>

#include <usb.h>

int main(void) {

   struct usb_bus *busses;


   busses = usb_get_busses();
      std::cout << "we found some busses" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "no busses were found" << std::endl;

   struct usb_bus *bus;
   int c, i, a, bussCount(0);

   /* ... */

   for (bus = busses; bus; bus = bus->next) {
      std::cout << "enumerating buss: " << ++bussCount << std::endl;
      struct usb_device *dev;

      // loop through each device and display its vid pid
      for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) {
         struct usb_device_descriptor* pUsbDev = &dev->descriptor;

         if(pUsbDev->bDeviceClass == 0x09)
            std::cout << "Device is a HUB\n";
         if(pUsbDev->bDeviceClass == 0x07)
            std::cout << "Device is a printer:\n";
         if(pUsbDev->bDeviceClass == 0x08)
         std::cout << "Device is a mass storage device:\n";
         std::cout << "Device Class: "
                   << (int)pUsbDev->bDeviceClass << std::endl;
         std::cout << "VID: "
                   << std::dec << pUsbDev->idVendor << " "
                   << std::hex << pUsbDev->idVendor << std::endl;
         std::cout << "PID: "
                   << std::dec << pUsbDev->idProduct << " "
                   << std::hex << pUsbDev->idProduct  << std::endl;

         if(dev->num_children > 0) {
            struct usb_device* pChild = *(dev->children);
            while(pChild) {
               std::cout << "Childs device class: "
                         << std::dec << pChild->descriptor.bDeviceClass
                         << " "
                         << std::hex << pChild->descriptor.bDeviceClass
                         << std::endl;

               pChild = pChild->next;

   return 0;

Any ideas why I'm not seeing any devices?

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