Michael Grant wrote:
More than once, through carelessness, and I'm sure I'm not alone, I
have inadvertently shutdown or rebooted the wrong machine.  I'm sure
some of you know that all too familiar feeling when you see
"Connection closed" instead of your desktop being rebooted.

I have a suggestion with respect to these commands.  What if they
could be modified to require the hostname of the machine as their
first argument, otherwise, they refuse to bring the machine down?

  shutdown -h now


  shutdown example.com -h now




  reboot example.com

How hard would it to get the other *nix distributions to take up this up too?

Michael Grant
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I have set all my servers in the noc to shutdown -r now. This prevents me from locking my self out of servers as they are not in my office. I also set the tcsh command line to show path to the directory and the name of the host box i'm working on so I cant get confused.

Maybe this will help.

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