
I have been using FreeBSD for many years as a server and have based most of my hosting services on this fantastic OS. Since three years I have been using SonicWall firewall as a firewall device.

As my hosting services are growing, It seems that the SonicWall device is quite "light" for what I am doing. I have now 10 servers hosted on one uniq /28 network with direct connexion to the Net.

I was wondering if there is a good if possible "integrated" firewall device running on FreeBSD. I have deployed local firewall on each of my servers based on ipf. Works great, but I am not sure I want to dig all the time into a file based config, little visual interface could ease my pain… (of course this is optional).

I would like something quite strong but simple that I could deploy on a small 1U server or dedicated device.

Any pointer / howto / feed back on experience will be most welcome.

Something similar to this could be nice: http://www.untangle.com/

Thanks for your support.

Gregober ---> PGP ID --> 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@ todoo.biz
P "Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this e-mail"

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