Andreas Davour wrote:
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008, Chris St Denis wrote:

Occasionally, I accidentially cat a binary file or a directory casing the terminal output to be corrupted with text looking like (don't know if this will make it through the mail cleanly)

  E???? ??? ?? ?????????.

To fix this normally I just close the window and open a new ssh connection, but I am wondering if there is a more clean way to do this. I've tried reset(1), but it doesn't seem to help any.

What termnial emulator are you using? KDE Konsole have an "Edit->Reset & Clear Terminal" menu alternative that usually manages to clear such problems up for me.


I use putty ssh client (on windows). I had thought it was a console change rather than terminal editor specific.

I'll try the things people have suggested here next time it happens.

Thanks for the suggestions.
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