Hi again,

coming back to my problem with the inode of my home directory
having disappeared, I found out that the tool ffs2recov from
the ports is able to establish an inode entry for a directory
where you can explicitely name the inode and the directory.

I know which inode number my former home directory had, and of
course I know its name. Would it be sufficient to

        % fs2recov -c 12345 -n poly ad0s1f.dd

I think there's more to establish an intact directory structure.

As far as I've already learned, when "walking back" the path
from a file deep within a directory structure, every inode
contains a field "where it comes from", let's say, where CWD
and .. are (as an inode number):

        bla.txt      dingens/       foo/        poly/        /
         12380 -----> 12370 -----> 12360 -----> 12345 -----> 2

This would be /home/poly/foo/dingens/bla.txt on ad0s1f (where / is
then mounted as /home).

When I can assume that every inode still knows "where it came
from", what would be a useful tool to build poly/ (12345) again?
I think I'll need to construct its content again, because just
by creating poly/ as 12345, where does the filesystem know from
what's the content of poly/? Is the term "directory slots" I
came across related to that topic? Which sources could give good

Sadly, fsck_ffs doesn't do the job... but maybe if I fix the
file system a bit (instead of fixing fsck_ffs)...? Hey, it's not
that I try to build my own nuclear plant in the living room... :-)

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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