Hi guys,

I have some problem with my FreeBSD server. I have this:

#########                                    ###########      #########
# Linux1  #  -> ASA  -> Internet  -> # FreeBSD  #  -> # Linux2 #
#########                                    ###########      #########

If I run a ssh for Linux1 to FreeBSD, my connection freeze when the return
of some command is a big text. Example:

I make a ssh connection in the from the Linux1 to FreeBSD server, then, I
execute some commands, like: 'pwd', 'whoami', 'ls /'... this work perfectly.
But, if I run some command that return a big text, like as: 'ls /dev/', or
top, my connection freeze.

In other terminal, the tcpdump continues showing packets in this connection
that was freeze.

If I try to access the Linux2, throught FreeBSD (redirect port on natd or
redirect port with rinetd), the same thing happens.

Is this a problem with FreeBSD? Someone know how I can fix it? Some sysctl?

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