Hello out there,
I run into trouble.

When looking for AutoFS in the net I find a lot about AutoFS on Linux and, surprisingly, for FreeBSD 6.X, but those messages are dated to the year 2004/2006.

I'm running FreeBSD 7.X and FreeBSD 8.0-CUR boxes and tried to find something about AutoFS, but I'm still stuck with the 'well known AMD or Berkeley AutoMounterDaemon.
What happened to AutoFS?

I'm stuck with amd (from FreeBSD's contrib) and I need to keep my maps in OpenLDAP, but when searching for how to map amd.map-files into the right shape of an OpenLDAP object (I borrowed the RedHat automount.ldif-schema, OpenLDAP 2.4.11 seems to lack in an apropriate schema), I only find Linux-Howtos reflecting AutoFS in Linux (and that is different from amd).

Is help possible?

Thanks, in advance,
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