I installed the package of the Generic instant messenger application (Pidgin)on xfce desktop. It seems to work fine, but in the log it gives this message text.

GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information.
(Details -
1: IOR file '/var/tmp/gconfd-aiza/lock/ior' not opened successfully, no gconfd located: No such file or directory 2: IOR file '/var/tmp/gconfd-aiza/lock/ior' not opened successfully, no gconfd located: No such file or directory)

Inspection shows that the directory '/var/tmp/gconfd-aiza/lock/' is present, but its empty. Aiza in this case is the user name.
There is also in empty directory '/var/tmp/orbit-aiza'.

The package install of the word processing application Abiword also generates this same error message, but it is displayed as a startup error popup window when Abiword is launched from the xfce menu.

I tried creating am empty 'ior' file but that had no effect.

Question is: How can I correct this error?

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