On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 01:00:34PM +0100, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

> >>and (sometimes) from linux to FreeBSD.
> >>
> >>But not from Windows.
> >
> >Come on, lose your thickness and let the guy be free from Vista.
> I DO NOT say "don't free from microsoft"!
> you may change Toyota to Nissan, and just sit down and drive.
> But you can't change windoze to unix without learning unix from scratch.
> Unix is completely different way of computing. 1000 times better IMHO, but 
> you HAVE to learn it from scratch.
> All this windoze-like "desktop environments" like KDE, Gnome etc. is just 
> crap and nonsense.
> Use unix as unix. it's great. but learn it.
> It is NOT an alternative to windoze!

Still it goes, the OP is trying to get away from MS-Win, not find some 
non-MS clone.    So, why are you trying so hard to continue to stick 
him with something MS-Win.  Allow the guy some freedom to move out of 
that mess without trying to play word games about alternatives on him.

If he wants out of MS, then let him out of MS and not consign him to
something he doesn't want.


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