On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 08:26:36PM +0100, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> >>are happy to find that to be true.    Give them a hand rather than
> >>a kick in the face.
> >
> >Amen to that! This is something I am also asking for. Wojciech you
> >often help others here. Let's keep it this way. Please?!
> i will do exactly what i'm doing now. no more no less.
> helping those who ask questions that make sense, and i know the answer (or 
> think i know).
> And fixing bad statements and bad ideas. like the idea of "replacing" 
> windows with unix without first learning unix from basics.
> And the idea that having as much FreeBSD users as possible is a good 
> thing. it is not.

I don't think that making having as many FreeBSD users as possible a
primary goal is a good idea, to be sure.  On the other hand, if we do so
only within the constraints of current design philosophy and an attempt
to focus more on quality than quantity, having more users *is* a good
thing for a number of reasons -- in large part because of the benefits
that can be gained from a stronger user base.

What we should *not* do is take such a hostile attitude toward potential
new users that the user base of FreeBSD ultimately dwindles due to the
attrition of time.  That seems to be your approach, and I find it quite
counterproductive, especially when you couple it with weirdly anti-Unix
statements like your continuing insistence that no Unix system can
effectively replace MS Windows.

Chad Perrin [ content licensed PDL: http://pdl.apotheon.org ]
Quoth Anne McClintock, University of Wisconsin: "The decisions that
really matter are made outside the democratic process."

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