> Sorry, I wasn't very clear.  I am currently running FreeBSD 7.0 the regular
> i386 release.  I would prefer to keep it that way if migration to the 64bit
> release would mean rebuilding from scratch (there is probably an easier way
> to convert an i386 release to a amd64 release).  Another poster seemed to
> indicate that the i386 release would run just fine on a quad core chip.

Yes, i386 will run just fine on a 64-bit Xeon. And no, there isn't an
easier (well,
one could argue it's easy, but tedious) way to "convert" to an amd64 release.

> Would there be a major performance gain with amd64 over that of the i386
> build on a Xeon Quad Core?

It depends entirely on your workload. Some things benefit, others may actually
slow down. One example that seems to benefit in general is multimedia type
applications (e.g. media encoding/decoding/transcoding).

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