So on the Limewire "Advanced -> Firewall" config page enter a port
number, such as 6346 in both the "Listen on Port" and the "Manual Port
Forward" boxes.

Then after your NAT rule in pf.conf enter something like the following:

rdr on $ExtIF proto tcp from any to any port 6346 -> port 6346

and a corresponding filter pass rule:

in both the "Listen on Port" and the "Manual Port
Forward" boxes. is my desktop machine where I use Limewire. It works just fine.

Thank you for the solution to this problem.

I was un-aware Limewire had it's own firewall configuration options.
In Limewire version 4.18 Tools/Options/Advanced/Firewall I entered the same port number 6666 in both the "Listen on Port" and the "Manual Port Forward" option fill in boxes. Then in IPF rules added these 2 lines.

pass out quick on $oif proto igmp from any to any keep state
pass out quick on $oif proto tcp from any to any port = 6666 flags S keep state

Each XP box on the lan running Limewire gets it's own unique port number and the corresponding firewall rule. No need for NAT RDR rules.
Limewire works fine and my firewall is tight as every.
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