On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 01:26:36PM -0800, Brian Whalen wrote:
> michael wrote:
> >has anyone stopped at all during this discussion and considered what 
> >you're arguing about? you're all complaining about a SERVER os that 
> >doesn't have an nvidia driver for its 64bit implementation and Wojciech.
> >I mean seriously, has this helped anything at all? is ranting on here 
> >about those two things going to change 8.0 to be the next best gaming 
> >console? no. if you want to use freebsd on your desktop with 3D you 
> >can. just run i386. but this entire thread has gone down hill from the 
> >OP, and it is nonsense. you get a few more registers with 64bit and 
> >some more ram, big deal. show me a gaming console that needs more than 
> >four gigs of ram. its not a priority and it shouldn't be. this is a 
> >server class operating system that you CAN use on your desk if wanted. 
> >even linux in all its glory with an nvidia 64bit driver isn't all that 
> >great at gaming, i'm sorry its just not. its not that great with 3D 
> >modeling either(in house and proprietary software like maya do not 
> >count).
> It is a great server OS.  Perhaps some would like it to be a better 
> desktop OS?  PC BSD not good enough for some I suppose?  You could 
> always get a Mac and run the NIX underneath it when needed.

I like FreeBSD more than PC-BSD as a desktop OS, personally.  I don't
like the "do it our way" mentality of these "user friendly" desktop
oriented OSes.  What I want more of is functionality -- not featuritis.

So, no . . . PC-BSD isn't "good enough" for my purposes, because it's
serving someone else's purposes entirely.

Chad Perrin [ content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
Quoth Henry Spencer: "Those who don't understand Unix are doomed to
reinvent it, poorly."

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