Luca wrote:
>> The reason that portupgrade -P was not using packages is that, by
>> default it fetches packages  built against the tree that's on the
>> install disks, so there wont be any for updated ports.
>> You can set portupgrade to fetch packages for the 7-stable development
>> branch (you can google for how to do this). For the most part this
>> work, but occasionally there will be library problems.
>Thank you, now it's clear.
>I will  try this as soon as I can.

I did that and would not do it again for a massive upgrade:

Using freebsd-update for a (minor version) upgrade to 7.1-RC1 and after that using 7.1-RELEASE packages for a portupgrade will probably take less time overall.

See the 7.1-RC1 announcement on how to do the first part:

When it is available, you should upgrade to 7.1-RELEASE, which will take less time with freebsd-update from 7.1-RC1 than from 7.0-RELEASE, since there are less configuration file changes to be merged.

For the portupgrade, you should have in mind that portupgrade uses the ports tree to know what to upgrade to which version. Your ports tree is newer than the 7.1-RELEASE packages. Anyhow, if the newest package is not available but a newer one than the one installed, portupgrade usually works, too. Reading /usr/ports/UPDATING before is still advisable.

You might still run into problems of the nature that kde was used to be build against openldap23-client at the time of 7.0-RELEASE, but the 7.1-RELEASE packages are build against openldap24-client and these two ports cannot coexist. With ports this is not a problem, since it can be build against either version. (AFAIR, this particular case will work out fine, but there was something else requiring manual work besides everything listed in UPDATING.)

Probably not for 7.0->7.1, but in some cases removing all packages and reinstalling all takes less time than anything else.

Jan Henrik
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