Marc Coyles wrote:
They can write whatever they want. I'm not binded by it.

"This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple
Software on a single *Apple-labeled* computer at a time"

So, in theory, apply white lx tape to any PC, write "APPLE" on it
in black marker. That PC is now labelled "Apple" and you can therefore
use their software on it legally... (?) O_o

playing the semantics game has gotten people in trouble before.
on a side note, Sweden is a member of Interpol, and therefore subject to international laws.

#this is specifically to our Swedish friend

In order to maintain as politically neutral a role as possible, Interpol's constitution <> forbids its involvement in crimes that do not overlap several member countries,^[2] <> or in any political, military, religious, or racial crimes.^[3] <> Its work focuses primarily on public safety, terrorism <>, organized crime <>, war crimes <>, illicit drug <> production, drug trafficking <>, weapons smuggling <>, human trafficking <>, money laundering <>, child pornography <>, white-collar crime <>, computer crime <>, intellectual property crime <> and corruption <>.

violating laws of more than one member state, in this case the united states and anywhere that a stolen copy transfers to in the member states constitutes a crime. that being digital or physical media. people have already been prosecuted in countries for doing exactly this and arguing that their own laws say its not forbidden.
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