On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 08:31:31AM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 11:50:40 +0000
> Frank Shute <fr...@shute.org.uk> wrote:
> >On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 01:03:59AM +0100, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> >>
> >> >It's certainly not slow and messy here. I installed PCBSD a couple
> >> >of months ago after a few years of rolling my own desktop and I
> >> >love it. On reasonable spec hardware it runs very well, the
> >> >developers have done an excellent job
> >> 
> >> of course. windows vista runs well too on overmuscled hardware.
> >
> >No it doesn't. It doesn't run well on any hardware because it's got
> >things like a file manager that is broken for all intents and
> >purposes. No virtual desktops, undocumented shell etc.
> Actually, it supports at least four that I know of. You can Google for
> the information. 

Four of what?

Why do I have to Google the info? Shouldn't there be a copy of the
info locally?

I can google for unbroken filemanagers, documented shells, install
cygwin etc. but the software as it stands is horribly inadequate and

> MS Windows is probably the best documented piece of software around. 

Are you being sarcastic?

Where's the Handbook like FreeBSDs?

You can read the source can you? I can't.

Maybe I'm just getting old but Vista documentation seems to be
scattered to hell and west over the 'net - if you can find what you're
looking for at all.

> What is it you are looking for?

Where are the documents for using their crappy filemanager? There are
some with what they call, exaggeratingly, their help system but they
are useless compared to any unix documentation. Probably there are a
limited number of ways you can describe such an excrescance as the
Vista Explorer replacement.

Where are the manpages for their shell? They should at least have some
documentation that comes with the OS that lists and describes the
commands it supports. It doesn't.

I'm looking for an OS with a sane file hierarchy and a shell I can use
to manage the files therein. An editor better than Notepad would be a
bonus too.

Extensive documentation on the machine is a must.

I've searched on google for documentation on the powershell to no
avail. All the docs as such seem to be available if you are a member
of MSDN - I presume so anyway, but for the general public they don't
seem to be readily available.

In short, I gave Vista a decent shot (I quite like XP) but it was like
wading through treacle and I thought that if I am to get the best out
of it, I'm probably going to have to sign up for MSDN and download
vast amounts of "missing" software and spend inordinate amounts of
time on google. 

The cost and time benefits didn't seem worth it since I'm quite happy
with FreeBSD and there's only one Windows only application that I use:
AutoCAD; for that I maintain an XP installation.

Staying on topic, my advice to the original poster is to dump Windows
and use FreeBSD - it's better documented and you can either use WINE
to run your "must have" Windows programs or have a separate Windows
partition. With a bit of luck your Windows "must haves" will eventually
have unix replacements.

> -- 
> Jerry
> ges...@yahoo.com
> A bore is a man who talks so much about
> himself that you can't talk about yourself.




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