What UFS-like filesystem has unlimited inodes, but is a drop-in
replacement for ext3, and is fairly easy to configure?

Is UFS2 no longer considered the "best" general-use filesystem?

at least for be it's the best. High performance, minimal hardware resource usage, perfect recovery from failures.

       using 862 cylinder groups of 118.88MB, 7608 blks, 60864 inodes.

I realize I can use "f 512 -b 4096" to get 200M+ inodes, but I'm

yes do
newfs -i 512 -b 4096 -f 512 -U /dev/disk

you may add -O1, for simple reason. It will create UFS1 filesystem, which won't be slower in case of small files (it will be with very large), but one inode takes 128, not 256 bytes, which will make huge difference !!!

use -m 0 or -m <very little> as probably you control it yourself what's put here, and extra fragmentation or mostly-full FS won't exist with really small files.

just fsck will take a lot of time, you may try gjournal or simply accept it, as FreeBSD don't crash often :)
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