On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 03:18:33PM -0400, Thompson, Rhett wrote:

> Is it possible for you to provide us with an updated hardware certified
> vendor list for FreeBsd. 

There is no such thing, AFAIK. The volunteers who form the FreeBSD
project spend their time improving FreeBSD, not doing formal
certification tests. That should be the job of the vendor.

The hardware vendors list that you can find on the site
[http://www.freebsd.org/commercial/hardware.html] is driven by
submissions from the vendors.

>  We would like to know if FreeBSD is supported on HP Blades and which
> models, network cards, HBA cards for connecting to SAN's.

First, ask the vendors of the hardware in question. If they are
unwilling or unable to give an answer, would you want to buy their

If you want information on particular models of hardware, search through
the archives of the freebsd-questions list. If problems exist with
particular models, that is where it will probably turn up first. If you
have specific questions, you can ask on the list. Or use zgrep to search
the manual pages in drivers category (/usr/share/man/man4).

If you want a particular piece of hardware supported, you could hire a
developer to do that for you. Maybe ask on the hackers@ list.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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