understanding what is going on. I'm reading up on this, and as soon
as I know enough to either understand the issue, or ask an
intelligent question, I will do so...

When a program is executed with arguments, there is a system imposed limit on the size of this argument list. On FreeBSD this limit can be seen with sysctl
kern.argmax, which is the length in bytes.
When you do "ls *", what really happens is that the shell expands the asterisk to all entries in the current directory, except entries starting with a dot
("hidden" files and directories). As a result, ls is really called as:
ls file1 file2 .... fileN

If the string length of file1 to fileN is bigger then kern.argmax, then you
will get argument list too long error.


What I get is this:

> sysctl kern.argmax
kern.argmax: 262144

Which is why I'm starting to think that (a) my problem is different or (b) I'm so clueless that there isn't any problem at all, and I'm just not understanding something (most likely scenario!)

I'm going to write a little script that generates a bunch of files to test my hypothesis that once I get more than n files in a directory, some things stop working correctly, like ls and ftp directory listings, and to discover the value of n. That will give me some hard data to work with.

This problem has been nagging at me for a while, so it's time I nail it down once and for all...

I'll be back...

-- John

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