On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:52 PM, Glen Barber<glen.j.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have not tried 8.0-BETA (as someone on the IRC channel suggested) but not 
>> sure
>> if it will make any difference.  As far as I understand, the snapshot I 
>> tried is
>> more recent than 8.0-BETA2.  Or am I wrong?  Is it worth downloading one more
>> ISO just to try it?
> The -BETA, -BETA1, -BETA2 images are run the same way -RELEASE images
> are -- once the image is released, there are no further updates to it.
>  That is why when you download a -RELEASE, any patches that may have
> been released afterwards are not reflected in the install image.
> For what it's worth, I tried the -BETA2 image on my laptop, and the
> ndis driver was causing panics.  I used 7.2-RELEASE to install the OS,
> and rebuilt world/kernel from my build machine using NFS, and the
> panics went away.
> After rereading your original question, you were using a -CURRENT
> snapshot to install -- -BETA2 was released a few weeks ago.  It may
> have the problem fixed, yes, but it is not guaranteed.  To answer your
> question, "is it worth downloading...": that depends.  If you're
> willing to waste another CD if it fails, is up to you, but your
> problem may be fixed in -BETA2.

Yes, I understand -- just realised that BETA2 is more recent than the snapshot I
tried.  Most probably, I'll just wait until 8.0 is actually released.  My
problem with trying BETA2 is that it will take long time to get it (slow
connection here) and most probably my problem will remain.

Isn't there a way (an easy way, I mean!) to get a custom kernel from freebsd.org
that I could replace in my ISO?

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