If you have any databases or ldap service, then you want to add those as well, but it is recommended to dump these rather than backup the files themselves.

I'm learning a lot from this thread. Thanks for all the suggestions.

The paragraph above raises one more question... how to use the backup_script feature of rsnapshot.

There is a mysql database on the server I want to backup. At the moment, I have a cron script on the web server that periodically dumps the database into one of the directories that gets backed up. This works fine, but I am about to experiment with the backup_script feature of rsnapshot.

I'll be darned if I can find an example in the HowTo or on the web for using backup_script remotely, but I'm hoping it's possible...

I'd like to have the backup script on the backup server, rather than the remote server. The difference is small for one server, but if you are backing up several servers, or several hundred servers, it would be much nicer for all the backup configuration and scripts to be on the backup server, rather than scattered around on the net.

So, I'm going to take the trial and error approach to getting this to work today, unless someone has actually done this and can provide any information (for example "that's impossible... the backup script needs to be on the remote server" would save me a lot of work!)

Thanks: John
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