On Wednesday 26 August 2009 12:50:00 Michiel Overtoom wrote:

> I never understood the need for transparent windows.  If you're working in
> a window you want to concentrate on its contents, not on stuff that's
> happening beneath it.  It breaks the flow.  I think it's indicative of the
> ritalin-generation of teens who can't concentrate for two minutes and need
> to constantly tweet about nonsense.  Geez, I'm getting old ;-)

I felt the same way initially. However, I'm not old enough yet, to remember I 
can get used to things and now that I have, it doesn't bother me and at times 
it's convenient (f.e. when repositioning windows). Still, it's easy to turn 
off. I'm also using the "Flip Switch" to alt-tab windows, which is much more 
pleasant then having to read sometimes missing window titles/icons in a list.
I can definitely do without Kontact's aggregation of message lists, other then 
that, after tweaking it, can't say that I miss KDE 3, even though I had the 
initial shocker you experienced. I also did a fair amount of tweaking after 
the first KDE3 install and I can't honestly remember if I took longer then or 
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