On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 04:07:04PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:51:29AM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
> > 
> > I just turn off the touchpad in my ThinkPad's BIOS/CMOS settings.  That's
> > pretty much the *first* thing I do with a new ThinkPad, before I even
> > install a halfway decent operating system on it.  I have a tendency to
> > accidentaly move the mouse around while typing, otherwise.
> > 
>       BIOS.  That's what i couldn't remember.  so you still *can*
>       toggle the laptop pointer on/off.  in my long-defunt 600E 
>       i could plug in an external mouse and off the t'point.  good to
>       know you can turn off the pad and still use the other pointing 
>       device.  

Yes, you can -- otherwise, I'd be highly irritated with laptops in

> > 
> > Unfortunately, the OP was asking about netbook-sized computers, and last
> > I checked the only netbooks offered by Lenovo are IdeaPads -- which are
> > exactly like ThinkPads, except the construction is a little cheaper and
> > the pointing device is always a touchpad.
>       hm.  if i can go into the bios of this ideapad and disable the
>       t'pad; then use a wireless mouse, that would work.  my plans are
>       to build a text-to-speech computer.  kde has a bunch of tools
>       that are very useable.  vi has -- or used to have -- the ability 
>       to store abbrv that would expand as typed.  you type "tht"; vi 
>       outputs "that"

I hope that works out for you, then.  It wouldn't really work for me,
since I want a trackpoint -- which is why I haven't gotten a Lenovo
laptop with an NVIDIA adapter (since they tend to only put those in
IdeaPads, and not ThinkPads, which are left with ATI graphics adapters

. . . and yes, you can still do that with vi (and Vim).

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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