> On 9/15/09, Steve Franks <bahamasfra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> S3 is a key feature for me for my desktops.  I have gone thru probably
>> 5 mobo's and 5 laptops in my time as a FBSD user, the only one which
>> ever S3'd was a compaq of all things (well, lots of them will S3 if
>> you kldunload usb, but they crash/hang/etc on resume generally).
>> Anyway, it's time for a new system, and as long as I can shove a
>> somewhat modern dual core in it, my second most critical criteria for
>> purchase is that S3 works with FreeBSD with a minimum of or at least
>> well described hacking.
> Resume doesnt work on i386 SMP, on amd64 it should work (at least it worked
> on Intel T5500 last time I tried).

So, no way to nix the second processor in rc.suspend, I take it?

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