Gary Kline wrote:

        I rarely glance at any come-on advertisement, but I just got
one by amazon that has a $380 HP Mini 10" computer for $200.
        I want to use something about this size for my type-and-speech
        computer.  I'm thinking more of the ASUS 9" notebook.  What
        are people's thoughts on this?

        (Yes, this is still an attempt to drive sales in a bad
        downturn. etc.  Still, altho these tiny computers many be
        manufactured in the same plant by the same corporation, it may
        not make any difference.)

        anybody on-list who cares to share?


Aloha Gary,

I have one running Ubuntu Linux on the HD. It works ok on a wired or wireless network with a Fixed IP. The automatic gui for setting up the network failed to work and stay where it was set so I wrote the file myself using a fixed IP etc. I also run FreeBSD 7.2 on it on a plug in flash drive using Manolis DVD copy. I paid $400. with extra battery and memory.

Haven't set up the wireless for use with Coffee Shop wan yet.

Tech support for the mini is from India and I know more than they do about Linux and haven't used Linux in years.

The Mini has had no problems except the touch pad is usless. Touching the pad is a click or several same as the buttons.) I found out that by touching the light above it turns it off so you can use a wireless mouse which works well. HP Tech support did not know how to disable the touchpad. A terminal is brought up by alt/f2.

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
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