On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Greg Larkin <glar...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Steve Franks wrote:
>> It's all greek to me.  I see alot of file doesn't exist errors on .so
>> libs, but I don't see any of them in the cvsnt dependancies for the
>> port...
>> I read something on the list the other day about 8.0-RELEASE-p2 being
>> 'the security branch'?  If so, no idea how I got that, it's probably
>> the problem, although cvsnt was running on top of it last week until I
>> upgraded...
>> Steve
> Hi Steve,
> What is the output of:
> pkg_info | grep cvsnt
> Was your ports tree up to date when you ran portupgrade on cvsnt?  The
> ldd output says that the cvsnt-related .so files are pointing to
> versions, but the latest cvsnt port is  If your
> ports tree was up to date, that situation seems strange to me.

I tried to downgrade, hence the mismatch.  FYI, the downgraded version
behaves identically, so I'm suspecting something external to cvsnt as
the culprit.

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