On 4/6/10, Matthew Seaman <m.sea...@infracaninophile.co.uk> wrote:
> On 07/04/2010 06:28:40, Peter Steele wrote:
>> I found something else that's missing--/var/db/pkg is empty. It looks
>> like what the auto-var process does is a construct basic directory
>> structure but no data. Is there a solution to this? Can I get /var to
>> be populated with the full contents of the real /var?
> Can you write a few shell scripts?  You'ld need to create a tarball of
> the /var contents you need on the box, and explode it onto /var at boot
> time -- if you're using auto-var on MFS all the time, you'll need to set
> that up to happen on every reboot.

I'm probably missing something here, but I'm not sure that's correct.  If
the OP wants his own /var, then diskless(8) describes how /var can be
automagically populated (see also /etc/rc.initdiskless).  The nanobsd.sh
script (designed with flash drives in mind) uses this method.  I looked
into adopting something similar some time back but decided on an
alternative solution so I can't provide anything more than a general

As a side comment, I'd add I hope the OP publishes the results of his
efforts to benefit others who may want to do the same.

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