>Alberto Mijares wrote:
>> On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 11:08 PM, Fbsd1 <fbsd1 at a1poweruser.com> wrote:
>>> I want to search every line in the specified file for a literal and if found
>>> then delete that line from the file and save the file all from within a sh
>>> type of shell script.
>> man(1) sed
>> Regards
>That makes no sense to me.
>need example

It would make sense if you read the sed(1) and re_format(7) manpages.
They may be a pain at first, but they are used often and can make your
life a lot easier.  There are also a lot of tutorial on the web, with
many useful examples, e.g.:


He is suggesting that, rather than using sh(1), you should use sed(1),
which is typically used for this sort of task, and is also part of the
base system, in some fashion like, for example:

sed -e '/literal/d' file

If you insist on doing this with sh(1), which will probably be less
efficient, then you can cobble something together with a 'case'
statement, or parameter expansion with substring processing.  See the
sh(1) manpage.

I hope that you are not intending to use this for a FreeBSD Port in
the context of your earlier message.  As someone else has already told
you, ports should _not_ be automatically editing configuration files
like rc.conf.  Instead they should just indicate what should be added
by the user or administrator in a pkg-message. Although you are free
to do whatever you want on your own system, if you submit a port that
attempts to tamper with such files to FreeBSD Ports, it is likely that
that part of your submission will be rejected.

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