On Wed, 19 May 2010 16:14:52 -0700, Carl Johnson <ca...@peak.org> wrote:
> I have been experimenting with FreeBSD for a while, and I consistently
> get bash lockups at irregular intervals when it is otherwise idle.  By
> lockup, I mean that it stops responding to the keyboard and uses 100%
> CPU.  It will sometimes go for days with no problems, but I had two
> yesterday, and other today.  They have occurred on test systems
> running in VirtualBox and on a real computer, both i386 and amd64
> images, and a mixture of 7.1, 7.3 and 8.0.  They usually seem to
> happen when I am switching tabs in konsole or switching shells in
> screen, but other times I think they happen when I am not even using
> the system.  The only thing I have found I can do is to do a kill -9
> and start a new shell.

Does this lock-up happen if you leave the shell 'idle' for too long over
an ssh session?  There may be problems with stateful connection tracking
between your terminal and the remote shell :-/

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