On Wed, 30 Jun 2010 17:00:34 -0700 (PDT)
"Mr. Darren" <darren...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Though this will not be the focus of my question.  Lots of ports are
> being created for FreeBSD and none submitted.  I don't know why.
> My problem arises when trying to install one of these which is put
> together quite well.  pkg_add -r http://site/something.tbz, or
> pkg_add something.tbz doesn't work for the dependencies.  So how do I
> tell pkg_add to fetch the first pkg from one site and the rest from
> the main sites?  It is available in source but the system is void of
> pkg's at the moment and with the 1ghz processor and 512mb ram could
> take quite a while.  And the funny part is it will work perfectly if
> I just place it in ports/multimedia.  
>  Darren Johnston

My advise is installing portupgrade port and using portinstall -P

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