On 08/23/10 16:33, Glen Barber wrote:
On 8/23/10 7:01 PM, Rem P Roberti wrote:
Ok, one quick question.  When your screen goes blank, can you
[ctrl][alt][fN] to a different TTY, where N is anything between 2-7?
I'm curious about the machine's state when you start X.

No, when the screen goes blank the whole computer freezes.  No mouse, no
keyboard.  And I also noticed that the wireless indicator freezes in the
on position.  Everything stops dead its tracks.

In your xorg.conf, switch 'Driver "intel"' to 'Driver "vesa"', and see
if it hangs with that.

In addition, it might be helpful to build debugging options into your
GENERIC kernel.  If you're willing to go down this path, I'll help you
get set up, but the gory details are here:


First, let's try the "vesa" thing.

Eureka! I changed Driver to "vesa" in both of the "Device" sections and X now loads. I doubt that "vesa" is the ideal entry in the configuration, but at this point I'm not going to complain.
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