On 05.11.2010 20:14, Alejandro Imass wrote:
> Hey folks,
> A while back I started the thread "Troubles on SATA drives ZFS". I
> decided to bring the zpool down check each disk and re-construct the
> pool. Nevertheless, I was revising one of the ZFS error message links
> and Oracle made me create a developer id to access the info. This
> really pissed me off even more than teh Android suit, so it got me
> thinking...
> Maybe I should go back to UFS, CCD, GEOM, etc. instead of continuing
> to support f***ing Oracle. ZFS was honestly very easy and seemed very
> reliable and fast, but I would like the opinion and position of people
> here on ZFS before I continue using it.

Well ... CDDL was (iirc) based on the Mozilla Public License. Are you
similarly worried about Thunderbird or Firefox?


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