On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 16:25:31 +0330, Mohsen Mostafa Jokar 
<mohsenjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> Thank you very much.

You are welcome :)

> I want make a new community of FreeBSD for my country, i think
> i must serve a domain like you tell me.
> if i serve a domain, second step what is it?
> i want have a email account with freebsd.org like users in this
> page http://www.freebsd.org/community/mailinglists.html
> what should i do?
> I thankful if you guide me.

The mailing lists hosted at lists.FreeBSD.org are managed by our
postmaster team.  So you have to go through the "normal process"
before you create a mailing list there.  This means that:

  a) You have to talk to postmaster and convince them that there
     is a very real need for another mailing list.

  b) You have to come up with a 'charter' for the mailing list: a
     short blurb that describes what the list topic will be, who
     is allowed to post there, etc.

  c) Once you get approval from postmaster, your list will be
     created and you can go on using it.

I am not sure what you mean by "serve a domain".  Do you already
have a web site or other community-related place where people can
join and talk about FreeBSD-related material?  If yes, what is
the name of the web site?  Can you briefly describe the community


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