On 12/09/10 15:08, xinyou yan wrote:
1. when i install freebsd . I can write mbr and not write
     if i write mbr . freebsd can Identification  windows and load it

2 if i do not write  . How  windows load bsd

3. Can freebsd load linux  (fedora)? and how  ?
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I can't remember winblow$ method, but I know fedora can load BSD.

I have a temporary setup to test my new bright shiny AND STABLE FreeBSD media server (many thanks to all those involved in getting dvb cards working on BSD), but I have left the default F10 setup so I can iron out bugs and still have a tv if it breaks.

So I setup grub.conf- the man pages are rather useful, but the long and the short of it is that its simple to work out: Name the system you want to boot, and provide a root for it. Don't chainload.

So the core of it (from memory mind, so check the man and anyone else correct the errors) was as follows:

title FreeBSD 8.1
root(hd 1,a)

Root will vary according to your needs. Mine was on a second disk, slice 1a.

I assume from what you have said regarding BSD loading winblow$ that the reverse (BSD load linux) would be true too in the same fashion.
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