On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 09:30:39PM +0100, Alokat wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to encrypt my full harddrive (excluding /boot) during a 
> freebsd installation. Or do I have to do this after the installation 
> manually?
Currently you have to do it manually afterwards. 

Personally, I would not bother encrypting the OS data; there is nothing secret
there, and it does have a performance impact. Plus it would provide ample
material for a known-plaintext attack!

What you can do is set apart a partition during installation where you are
going to store your data, be it /home, /var/www or whatever. After
installation, encrypt that partition with geli(8), newfs it and put the name
of the *.eli device in /etc/fstab. That should make the startup scripts ask
for the passphrase.

Do not rely on a keyfile that resides on a disk in the machine (that would
make encryption futile)! Use a passphrase instead.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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