On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 01:41:24PM -0800, Rem P Roberti wrote:
> Boy, this kind of problem has been following around lately.  When I 
> attempt to start Xsane as user I get an error message telling me "No 
> device available."  One of the help options states that the permissions 
> for the device file may not allow its use---try as root.  Naturally, 
> when I start the program as root it recognizes the scanner and works 
> perfectly.  But I sure don't want to run this program as root.  I 
> thought that I had all of my permissions taken care of in 
> /etc/devfs.conf, but apparently I don't.  Either that or it really isn't 
> a permissions problem to begin with, in which case I'm not sure where to 
> start looking for a solution.

The file devfs.conf is only for devices that are connected at boot. For
devices like USB that are plugged in after booting, you should use
devfs.rules. Read the manpages for devfs.conf and devfs.rules. 

I've got the following in my /etc/devfs.rules for USB devices;

    add path 'usb/*' mode 0660 group usb
    add path 'ugen*' mode 0660 group usb

Of course my user-id is in the usb group. If you trust all users of the system
then 'mode 0666' would suffice, and you don't need to use a special group.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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