On 03/04/2011 14:45, Paul Chany wrote:
> I'm trying to fetch portsnap but can't because probably of network problem.
> Whenever I try to run command
> # portsnap fetch extract
> the process stall and never reach 20%. It is sad. :(
> The computer on wich I try to run this command is on my home LAN
> that has a gateway/router.
> What can I do to solve this problem?

You need to diagnose why your fetch is bombing out.  Start by checking
over your own equipment and try to eliminate that as a source of
problems.  Make sure all your cabling is in good condition and that all
network plugs are correctly seated.  Check for packet errors:

   # netstat -i

Anything non-zero in the Ierrs or Oerrs columns is a cause for concern,
especially if the error counters are going up over time.  If your
gateway/router has the capability, check for the same sort of errors there.

Having eliminated your own kit as a source of problems, try looking for
network problems between the portsnap servers and you.  mtr(8) is good
for this purpose, but (of course) catch22: to install it, you'ld need a
working ports tree... mtr will show up packet loss on intermediate
network links, and various sorts of routing problems.  If these are
present, then you need to contact your ISP who should be able to sort
things out on your behalf.

Finally, one thing that can screw up portsnap is a poorly implemented
transparent HTTP proxy.  My advice: *don't use ISPs that force you to
use transparent proxying*.  However, if this is what you are lumbered
with, then there is a simple work-around: use csup(1) instead of
portsnap(8).  csup doesn't run over HTTP, so it can't be mangled by
broken proxies.

Now, if you need help with any of this, you can certainly post here, but
for best results you'll need to supply a lot more detail about exactly
what it was you did and exactly what the result was.  Cut'n'paste from
the terminal is good, or use script(1) to save a transcript of a
terminal session.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey     Ramsgate
JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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