On 05/11/2011 04:07, CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:
On 05/11/2011 05:36 AM, Chris Telting wrote:
I already do... I'm want to automate it.  Every other virtual screen
terminal can start without grabbing the console, I don't want X to
either.  I do development and I suffer crashes.  I want to do work while
it boots up for a couple minutes and I'm tired of manually switching
back to text mode.  It's gets annoying the 200th time.
You could script it right after X starts, as such:

vidcontrol -s 1 # Equivalent to Alt-F1

I don't think X is currently designed to start without initializing the
graphics hardware, though, so the initial vt change is probably
unavoidable. Perhaps once KMS trickles down

Thank you for answering. I was fearful of that. Just means another project.

Related to Kernel Memory Switching I mention of Coreboot on slashdot the other day and I have to say I'm excited by it more than when it was called LinuxBIOS, my understanding now being that it isn't a full Linux kernel buy may eventually become a striped down version of it. I'm hoping that it evolves into a basic real time kernel of it's own and initializing drivers. Hopefully the place where all soft firmware for devices eventually gets loaded rather than in OS drivers; ironically working with the GPL by downloading it's own initializing drivers directly. Be nice to have half second boot times.

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