
I am trying to reset the bootloader of a pfSense nanoBSD CF card. 

I need the boot loader to be reset because 

> The embedded image set the bootloader to use a serial console.  That isn't 
> necessary with the box I am trying to use (the BIOS does console redirection 
> to the serial port for you) and causes the boot to hang.

Part of the solution seems to be : 

1. Mount the CF on a FBSD 
2. Initialize the bootloader with : 

# fdisk -B /dev/<disk>

3. This is where I need you help… 

How can I re-install a boot loader ? 

Should I use the command : 

# fdisk -B -b /boot/boot0 device

Any other suggestion, guidance will be welcome. 

Thanks for your support. 

P.S. I'll check your answer in 10+ hours as I am already tired and It is 11.45 
pm in Paris where I leave. ;-) - thanks for your understanding. 

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