Polytropon wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 11:45:44 -0300, Zantgo wrote:
>> then, as the system must be configured?, I thought as I was
>> was perfect. I have a laptop with intel core i5.
> The ports should work without any further configuration
> change, no matter if you've installed via Internet or
> from an installation media.
> If you encounter problems, please post informative text
> to this list, i. e. the command you've executed and the
> relevant error messages, and maybe specific things you've
> changed, e. g. global CFLAGS and other things one should
> not do. :-)

We should probably try and discover if he had learned how to update the 
ports tree as well. Many new users can easily get the ports tree installed 
by simply agreeing to the suggestion in sysinstall, but do not yet know it 
is best to update it first prior to installing software. I have always 
suspected that unknowingly utilizing the already out-of-date tree from the 
initial install is probably what causes most newcomers' problems with ports.

My practice is to only do a basic install plus ports tree, with no third 
party application packages. Then update ports tree and begin installing 
apps. I learned this the hard way from experience over 11 years ago. When I 
first started with FreeBSD (circa 4.0.0) I would have some packages installed 
and then try using the ports system, and stuff would break. Learning to cvsup 
the ports tree is what took care of a lot of that. Then I learned 
portupgrade and things got even better again. But I recall the jumbled mish-
mash of brokenness I had early on as a neophyte, and what the OP is 
describing sounds a lot like my early experience. Learning to properly admin 
the system made all of that a thing of the distant past.


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