On 03/14/12 18:12, Matthew Seaman wrote:
On 14/03/2012 07:30, n dhert wrote:
I have FreeBSD8.2.
Sedna, an XML database server, had no port in th FreeBSD ports collection
but has a binary compiled for FreeBSD8 on www.sedna.org.
I installed that.
To start it at boot I created a script /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sedna :
# PROVIDE: sedna
# KEYWORD: shutdown
. /etc/rc.subr


load_rc_config $name

: ${sedna_enable="NO"}

run_rc_command "$1"
and added sedna_enable="YES" at the end of my /etc/rc.conf

This way it starts at boot:
$ ps -jaxww | grep se_
root        7064     1  7064  7064    0 Is    ??    0:00.00
/home/opt/sedna/bin/se_gov -background-mode off -listen-address localhost
-port-number 5050 -ping-port-number 5151 -el-level 3 -alive-timeout 0
-stack-depth 4000
The deamon runs as root. I want it run by a non-root user, e.g. a user

How can I do that?

The sedna server binary se_gov has no option in its man-page to start the
program run as a different user ..
Add a variable:


to the init script.  The rc(8) system will use su(1) to start up the
sedna process using your selected username.  There's also ${name}_group
but that works a bit differently.

I'm intrigued that this software should be supported on FreeBSD
upstream, but not appear in ports.  Are there some onerous license terms
or other obstacles[*]?  If not, would you consider submitting your work
as a port?



[*] Seems it uses Apache licensing according to http://www.sedna.org/,
which is exceedingly FreeBSD compatible, so I don't think licensing
would be an obstacle.
That would not be the problem, as the ports system can handle more licenses than simply bsd compatible; Its merely recommended. To illustrate, there are eval and commercial products in the ports tree. You have to register and pay the organisation when you install and start using (like komodo, others). The port is to ease installation on FreeBSD an app that would be widely used.
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