On 03/26/12 09:39, Jerome Herman wrote:
On 26/03/2012 01:29, Da Rock wrote:
On 03/26/12 06:49, Skippy 311 wrote:
With a large portion of the open source community looking towards the
Vivaldi Tablet as the push for mobile linux,
The site reminds me of someone organising a large party and no one showing up :)

Indeed, I felt very alone going there too.

I was curious if there was any
plans to make an official push to put something together for this tablet. It is alot to ask from FreeBSD, but to put it bluntly, the more this tablet can offer the better it will be. Support from FreeBSD on this tablet would be a wonderful addition to the community being built around this tablet,
and I hope to see FreeBSD on board in the near future.
FreeBSD on a tablet would be an interesting idea. Not sure about this one though... Looks like one of those ones going on eBay for $50. You can always grab one of those and hack it to run FBSD.

The main problem (though it is actually a FreeBSD strength) is that most FreeBSD dev code to solve their own problems. I don not think I am wrong when I say that a vast majority of FreeBSD contributor are also heavy users of the functionalities they code. So the question is "Are there enough FreeBSD dev that see any kind of interest in having a tablet ?". Personally I still don't, even though quite a lot of people tried to explain it to me. Also the site lacks the main thing that could get the FreeBSD community on the spot : specs. I managed to learn it was a 1ghz ARM with 512MB ram and 4GB storage, and that is about it. Arm architecture being what it is (basically whatever the constructor decided to use at that moment with no standard as to how he did it) there is absolutely no way to start any kind of port short of reverse engeniring the linux version. My personal opinion is "not worth the trouble".
I'm still weighing up the options, but I would. A few barriers to surmount though...

Perhaps this should go to embedded though?
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