On Thu, 26 Apr 2012 15:52:56 -0600
Chad Perrin articulated:

>On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 02:45:53PM -0700, David Brodbeck wrote:
>> Generic skills aren't recognized because they're hard to judge and
>> test for.  People want quantifiable, objective things to weed out
>> applicants.  This is also why credit scoring has become so popular --
>> sure, someone's credit score may not tell whether they'd be a good
>> employee or not, but it's a convenient, objective way to throw out a
>> bunch of resumes.
>Indeed -- and the employer who bucks this trend does him/her self a
>huge service, because large numbers of very skilled and/or talented
>people are being rejected on entirely arbitrary criteria that have
>little or no correlation to their ability to do the job.  People who
>use such critera are forcing themselves to compete with everyone else
>in the industry using the same criteria, leaving a glut of job
>candidates who would be great at the job waiting for someone else to
>give them a chance.

Wouldn't it be far easier for this "glut of job applicants" to either
become proficient in the skills stated in the job description for which
they are applying or do what everyone else does; i.e. lie on their
résumé. If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to
the mountain.

Jerry ♔

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