--As of April 29, 2012 1:36:55 PM -0400, Jerry is alleged to have said:

I will have a look at the CPAN module:
CGI::Application::Plugin::CompressGzip later today or tomorrow and see
if I can make a port of it for you.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Sorry, I should have put this in the other email...

While I'd thank you for the consideration and effort, I'd consider this time poorly spent: CGI::Application::Plugin::CompressGzip is not the problem, it's just the current showstopper symptom. The problem is the bsdpan system, which tries to integrate CPAN with the ports system. It needs to either:

A.  Work.
B.  Get out of the way.

If you want to spend time on this, please rather than create a band-aid, see if you can find the root problem in wherever the bsdpan system is, and submit a patch upstream (to whomever is in charge of that) to fix it. (Or remove it.) It might take a bit longer, but instead of fixing it for *me* *this week,* you'd fix it for *everyone* for quite a bit longer.

I'm hoping someone on this list knows some of where that might be, or might even be the person to talk to in order to get it fixed.

Daniel T. Staal

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