On Tue, 8 May 2012 21:04:18 -0400, David Banning wrote:
> If it's libspeex / libm.so.4 that is causing the error (thats what it looks 
> like to me)
> I wonder how to find out what libspeex is being used for - or for that matter 
> what 
> libm.so.4 is needed for.

I see you start exploring the joy of "front page decisions based
upon information provided exactly there". :-)

Speex is a codec intended for speech compression (and libspeex is
its corresponding library implementation), and libm is the math
library of your FreeBSD system (OS, not a port).

However, I have mplayer 1.0.r20110329_3 installed here on FreeBSD
8.2-STABLE (i386), using speex 1.2.r1_3,1. If you have problems
installing it, and you know you're not going to need it, just do
a "make config" in the mplayer port's directory and deselect "SPEEX"
option, then it shouldn't be built.

Is your ports tree up to date? Maybe there's a newer version of
speex or mplayer that will happily work with the system's libm v5?

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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