On Sat, 19 May 2012 11:08:19 -0700 (PDT), Beastie-Boy wrote:
> Ok, many thanks for your replies.
> I forgot to tell that i recently upgraded from 8.1 to 9.0-RELEASE.
> That excplains maybe why i had obsolete/old packages/ports on my disk.

When you do such an update (major version number), you should
always reinstall (update) your applications. You can avoid it
by installing the compat-Nx-i386 or compat-Nx-amd64 ports (where
N is the previously used major version number).

You've found many advices on how to do that already from the

> The problem i had was that gdm, gnome didnt start after the upgrade.

That was to be expected.

> So i tried to build the gnome and gdm thing again via pkg_add(didnt work)
> and make install clean in ports(either).

You should make sure _all_ dependencies get recompiled. Using
a port management tool for this task often is more comfortable
than dealing with the "bare ports" (but it basically is not

> Right now i deleted all ports in /usr, deleted packages in /var and
> portsnaped me the all stuff again.

Depending on how you deleted, it _might_ be required to reconstruct
the directory subtree /usr/local from the respective mtree file
in /etc/mtree. If you _really_ intend to delete everything, make
sure you have backups of config files, data files or your own
modifications to something located in the local/ subtree (for
example /usr/local/etc).

> After that i pkg_add -r gnome2 again and now it looks better.

Erm... when you're installing binary packages, you don't have to
deal with ports at all.

> Before i had problems that package-1.2.3 is needed to build an only
> package-1.2.2 is installed.

Correct, this happens when packages have lower version numbers
(not totally up to date) than the respective port would have.
That's why it's often a "good idea" to use _either_ ports _or_
packages (even though technically there is no problem mixing

Again, allow me to mention port management tools. Using for
example portmaster, many tasks are easier to perform than
dealing with "bare ports". Even the use of precompiled
packages (if desired) is possible. See "man portmaster"
and its EXAMPLES section for inspiration.

> Sorry i cant paste logs, bsd is running on another machine.

You can use SSH to log into the BSD machine and cut text from
the session. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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