On Tue, 5 Jun 2012 13:19:00 -0700
Colin Barnabas articulated:

>History show us that _everything_ will eventually run *nix.

Perhaps, but *nix will not run everything.

>Take a look at the Sony PS3 debacle. After Sony yanked support for
>installing other OS's, the community ripped apart their
>hypervisor in a matter of months. If these boot keys do gain any
>momentum, sooner than later the community with poke holes in the

Which, depending on how the end user or his flunky "poke holes" in the
system, may allow vendors to disallow warranty claims.

The question that I have not seen answered in this thread is what
FreeBSD intents to do. From what I have seen, most FreeBSD users do not
use the latest versions of most hardware, so it may be a while before
its user base is even effected.

Jerry ♔

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