Here[1] we can read a program linking agains a gpl v3 library should be released
under the gplv3 too. However, the only concern would be when the program is
implicitly linked against libgcc right? Well, there's even an
exception[2] for this.

this is exactly how i understand that. Anyway DragonFly BSD developers (which is BSD licenced) don't have any problems and just use latest gcc.

I'm not saying moving to clang is a bad idea.

I am saying this. Moving to worse compiler is a definitely bad idea.

This is not a place of politics. As GPLv3 doesn't prevent it from being used in FreeBSD and is better - it should be used. It's simple.

If clang would be better - it should be used.

Can anyone provide an example of viral propagation of the license if we compile
the base system with a gpl v3 gcc?

there are none probably.

Before actually testing it i believed we move to clang because it is better compiler AND and supported a move. Good lesson to test first and don't believe, even with FreeBSD.
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