On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 05:24:27AM +0100, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Dec 2012 16:23:31 -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >     one of the remaining problems --hopefuully the Last-- with my 
> >     Dell 3010 quad i5 is that the resolution stops at 5:4.  it's
> >     something like 1280x1014 whereas my widescreen Dell needs
> >     1920x1280 or close to that.  do I need to go out and find a
> >     videocard?  or is there a way of taking my 6GB of RAM and giving 
> >     it to the video?
> There are two factors involved:
> The question of video memory is usually selectable in the
> CMOS setup of the BIOS. Defaults will allocate several (and
> sufficient) MB for common resolutions. However, this is a
> usually automated process that does not involve user action.
> It should "just work"(TM)(R)(C). :-)

        Holy Crud =no=.  the 3010 has that screwy bootloader 
        UEIF [?] that took me 79 years to get past that.  the box 
        just-boot.  but not into widescreen.

        actually, I have two optiplix models; the older is
        a "Dell dual" and works at widescreen.  I dont know why
        or how.

> The question of the support for the current display is handled
> by the GPU driver (usually brought by X itself or an additional
> package, like for nVidia drivers). You can easily obtain what
> resolution your display _natively_ has (in case it's a LCD,
> which I assume), and the driver should automatically initialize
> the display for _that_ display size (because physically, there
> is only that one, in contrast to CRTs that can support different
> display characteristics).

        you lost me.  how can I easily obtain the resolution?
        FWIW:: im using my KDE switch ... 

           ssh works going out; I get "no route to host" going
           back from this dell dual to "tao" my new quad.  I have 
           been trying for around three hours to get ssh working
           bidirectionally.  nutshell, there is no way I can get
           Perry's or your xorg.con file onto tao wwithout a 
           shit*oad of typing............. << censored>>

> In case it does _not_ work automatically, you can always setup
> things using xorg.conf (which you normally do _not_ need). For
> example,
>       Section "Screen"
>               Identifier      "Screen0"
>               Device          "Card0"
>               Monitor         "Monitor0"
>               DefaultDepth    24
>               SubSection "Display"
>                       Viewport        0 0
>                       Depth           24
>                       Visual          "TrueColor"
>                       Modes           "1920x1280"
>               EndSubSection
>       EndSection
> would require 1920x1280 to be initialized regardless of what
> the integrated magician might think.
> For dynamic testing, you can use the xrandr command. Issue those
> commands from an X terminal:
>       xrandr --fb 1920x1280
>       xrandr --size 1920x1280

        HMMM.  I Just buttoned over: the --size says that the 
        1920x1280 isnt found in the modes.

        I'll use locate and see where the heck that configuration file is.

        ...WEll, the xorg.conf is only three lines long.  it's in the 
        usual place, /etc/X11 .  and there are a bunch of related files
        in /usr/share/X11/* without a "Mode" line anywhere.

> You can use xvidtune (usually _not_ used for LCDs, only for CRTs
> and tuning) to verify.
> In worst case, put those two commands in your X initialization
> file (usually ~/.xinitrc, sometimes ~/.xsession, if not cascaded).
> It's a dirty hack, but it should work. :-)

        everything in my to-be desktop is standard.  so is KDE and 
        Gnome.  I'll see in xvidtune is there.

        thanks for the help.


> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  kl...@thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
              Twenty-six years of service to the Unix community.

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